
Our Orgone Pyramids or Orgone Pyramids are gorgeous eye-candy pieces, yet they’re not only simple and beautiful pieces.

The Orgone pyramid has an extremely powerful ability to give your body, mind, and soul ultimate balance and healing harmony.

Aside from being outstanding elements to make your home look stunning, it’s known for converting negative energy to something positive. Not only that, but it helps stabilize your emotional, spiritual, and physical body.

Orgonite is technically a substance made of metals, resin, quartz, and healing crystals. These combined helps balance and harmonize your bioenergy.


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The Orgone Pyramids

An Orgone, by definition, is another term for our life source energy called Chi or Prana. When talking about our Orgone Pyramids, they come in beautiful forms that shift negative vibes into a better one.

With positive energy surrounding you, there’ll be a balance of emotions and spirituality within yourself.

The Orgone Pyramid collection that we have features Orgonite, a substance made of healing crystal, metal, resin, and quartz. All of these help in balancing out your bioenergy.

The Basic Properties in Orgone Pyramids

According to Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Orgone energy has a collection of basic properties. One is that organic materials attract and hold Orgone energy, while non-organic metal materials attract then immediately repel it.

Orgonite also fills space, is everywhere, and it penetrates matter at varying speeds. Dr. Reich also claims that it has great affinity and attraction with water. Plus, it’s naturally accumulated in living organisms by breathing, ingesting food, and more.

Benefits of Our Orgone Pyramid

Our Orgone pyramids have numerous benefits. These include clearing negative energy and neutralizing EMF radiation to purify your living area. As a result, they relieve stress and promote restful sleep.

These pyramids also provide more energy while helping in meditation, as well as spiritual and psychological growth. Not only that, but they also improve your health and resistance.

Our Orgone pyramids aid in balancing and filtering the environment’s energy fields. These also help boost your body energy by turning low-frequency energy into a higher frequency. This is more beneficial for living things like you, your pets, and plants.

What Makes Our Orgone Pyramid Special?

There are several reasons why our Orgone pyramids are unique. First of all, they’re made using the same technology of Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone Accumulator. These also help neutralize EMF from mobile phones, computers, Wi-Fi, cell towers, and electronics that you use daily.

When the organic resin and inorganic metal interact, this forms Orgone.

The stones and crystals we used for our Orgone pyramids have been charged with positive energy before casting. These have been smudged with white sage for clearing energy.

Smudging is an ancient tradition that Native American tribes used for cleansing negative energy.

In the curing process, our orgonite pyramids are infused with harmonic tones. These help maintain the balance of the body’s natural frequency.

If you hold our Orgone pyramid, or if you’re close to this, you’ll feel a lot of positive energy. This is the Prana, Chi, or zero-point energy.

No matter where you place our Orgone pyramids, they will keep your home’s air and life force positive. They’re also an excellent centerpiece for your living area, business environment, spa, studio, and more.

How Do I Take Care of My Orgone Pyramid?

Our Orgone pyramids don’t need to be charged or cleansed like crystals. Yet if you wear it most of the time, it’s best to give it a boost.

You can do this via holding it under clean running water. It’s also possible to wear it while taking a relaxing shower.

Another way to give it a boost is by cleansing with sage or a similar type of incense. If not, you can set it on the ground, under the moonlight.

Do note that you shouldn’t submerge our Orgone pyramids under water for prolonged periods. The reason for this is it may affect the resin.

Also, you shouldn’t place these under direct sunlight for extended periods as well. Doing so can bleach the crystals inside.